
Friday, November 25, 2011

The End is in Sight

I will be so pleased to see the end of the election campaign. We will awake in the morning to all the ghastly hoardings gone and can turn on the television without fear of stumbling onto an election debate or the endless analysis of who did the best. These zealous campaigners I snapped a few weeks ago struggling on a slippery slope to raise their sign will have to return and remove it. It's not all beneficiary bashing and tax avoidance when you're true blue, sometimes you actually have to roll up your sleeves and raise a sweat!


  1. Isn't the guy behind the billboard taking a leak?

  2. I think he's fastening a screw - but anything is possible. By the time I pulled over and got the camera I had missed the teetering confusion when it looked like it might come tumbling down upon them - most annoying!

  3. "it looked like it might come tumbling down upon them - most annoying!"

    Not from my political view.

  4. You really need to read the WHOLE sentence! The annoying thing was missing a great shot of them all going arse over kite. I think your Wine head has done enough today, pop on the Curmudgeon one again!
