
Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Beautiful People

I have joined the ranks of the beautiful people. We don't shop for our food in a supermarket chain store. Heavens no! We head for Moore Wilson's. We circle and queue to find a park.

We trudge between the grocery and fresh departments.

We buy our organic chickens from the caravan in the car park.

We fit in a Cafe L'Affaire brekkie on the way.

And we head home secure in the knowledge we have shopped from the largest possible selection of the finest foods and rubbed shoulders with every budding MasterChef in the Wellington region. Happily, the bargain prices for their range of fresh nuts offsets the outrageous prices for everything else. It's a veritable paleo paradise.


  1. Congratulations for making it onto Richard's Bass Bag's links list.
    With this honour comes responsibilities though as he is known to chuck people off the list if they don't post frequently.
    Unfortunately also comes reprobation so kiss goodbye to any good reputation your blog has.

  2. At Richard's Bass Bag* all links are treated with the greatest respect.
    Being linked to by RBB is like being invited to the captain's table on a cruise shit, and you can improve your Italian.

    * the original bass bagging site

  3. Sorry, I meant 'cruise ship'. Something Freudian happening there, methinks!

  4. Beware of Richard's Italian language advice. It's not always correct.
