
Thursday, April 25, 2013


I saw this excellent movie today. It had both Philip Seymour Hoffman and Christopher Walken in it - two of my favourite actors. It was originally titled A Late Quartet, but was re-titled to avoid confusion with that lamentable movie Quartet that I reviewed some time ago.

See it if you can. I really need to get moving on a few more movies while I have the opportunity. Possibly First Position, Barbara or Rust and Bone - starting tomorrow.

In the meantime, I can't think about Christopher Walken without a huge need for a fix of cowbells.


  1. We saw this last week. It is excellent. USA can make great little films when they get over the need to pitch to the masses. I was wondering what Richard and Robert would think if they saw this. Hopefully they would concentrate on the music and the interaction between the musicians and not obsess about the bowing technique. Walken was great.

  2. Richard and Robert obsess? Could that happen?
