He's been around for a few years now. I've always found him fairly irritating, with his smug comedy show presentations of parenting advice. More recently though, with his recent television series, he has branched out to being the go-to guru for just about everything. He has covered a range of topics - alcohol, prisons, poverty - and by all accounts the shows have been well-presented and interesting, and more about the topics and less about him. The final programme has aired, and Nigel has somewhat redeemed himself in my estimations.
It was all about sugar. He didn't cover anything that any paleo lifestyler hasn't known for years, but by the reactions to the programme it has been a revelation to many that this is basically a refined, addictive poison and cunningly added to basically every processed food. But the most important thing Nigel did was to expose yet another reason to turn away from the dark side that is the foul concoction, Marmite ...
... with its nasty added sugar, and come into the light that is Vegemite ...
... with its smooth, yeasty goodness. You know I'm right, but the masses seem to need a guru to turn to - so go Nigel!